Sunday, June 17, 2012


The 17th of June ~ 

The Battle of Bunker Hill
The Watergate Break-In thrill
OJ Simpson's unglorified white Ford Bronco ride
~ And this year, once again,
my Birthday and Father's Day side by side by side.

In childhood days, Mom's mastery with aqua icing put a ripple right smack dab down the middle of our cake. Chocolate cake, buttercream white, piles of happy lovin' laughin' ~ sharing day and life with my hero, my Dad ~ THE ultimate delight.

My Dad is why 
my Spirit is undauntable.

My Dad is why
 I believe in believers,

and that those whose lives we touch or reach or jostle with jazz are the true enrichments of 
our Life's greater show.

Dad's my heaven on earth today.
We'll share a cup of coffee, together, some way.

And having my cake and eating it too?
Same cake, same aqua ripple ~ an act of love of the love o'my life . . . He knows ~ that what matters in the soul of how you got to be who/how you are should always matter.

Happy Celebrations to Dads
 and fellow Gemini charmers 

Such Thanks to all of you . . . *AT THE BIJOU*
as our interactions shine through and true.

~ Absolutely*BirthdayKate,
~ sharing Father's Day . . . once again
with my Dad, the star in my firmaments,
knowing great shows of Life always go on

( Cue music ~ Hit it Mr Berlin )

I love you Dad.

Thanks . . . for letting me know 
people who love people are the
luckiest people in this here world.

~ Absolutely*Kate

Oh, you did so good Kid ----


Harry said...

Happy Day to you and Paul K*G!

Paul D Brazill said...

Lovely. The kid did/ does very well, indeed!

seana graham said...

Belated birthday greetings, Kate. Such a nice tribute to your dad.