Sick in the Head.
By David Barber
Dad, it’s so late.
What are you doing down here
You look a state
Have you been hitting the beer
I’ve been waiting for you, son
Did you forget the curfew
You know, it’s not a lot of fun
Waiting and worrying about you
This is so lame, Dad,
I’m not a kid anymore,
I’m 21, no longer a lad
I’ve got ‘the key to the door’
There’s a killer out there
And I don’t want you dead
Do you think it’s fair
I’m worried out of my head
As I’ve just said
I’m no longer a child
I’ve got a good head
I’m not foolish or wild
Age is immaterial
To a hunter of the flesh
Be it singular or serial
Be it old or be it fresh
Dad, if you want the truth
I went down the pub
I met up with Ruth
I think we’re in love
Are you being serious
That slag from The Crown
That’s fuckin’ hilarious
She’s the bike of the town
You don’t have a clue
You’re so wrong about her
I’m done talking to you
This chat is totally over
You could find another
Not that dirty one
You could do a lot better
Get rid of her, son
My ears are sore
And your words are dead
I’m not listening anymore
I’m going to my bed
Tomorrow you’re staying here
You hear what I said
There’s a maniac out there
Who is sick in the head
The killer targets females
It said so on the news
And according to the details
Takes away their shoes
A guy or a chick
It doesn’t matter, son
If his mind clicks
He’ll strike: job done
Wait, how do you know
That the killer’s a he
The news never said so
It could be a she
Just go to bed, son
You’ll be safe up there
I’m staying down here
I’ll be sat in my chair
I walk up to my room
And close the door
My Dad will be sleeping soon
Of that I’m sure
I take out the blade
From my bedside drawer
And walk over to my wardrobe
Slowly opening the door
In there are my prizes
On the shelf behind my clothes
All styles and sizes
In nice neat rows
Red ones, black ones
Navy ones, too
All expensive leather ones
The best kind of shoe
I leave my room
The knife held in my hand
And walk through the gloom
Not making a sound
I enter his bedroom
My dad’s still downstairs
In a world of dream
Asleep in his chair
I walk to his wardrobe
And open the door
Moving aside a bathrobe
And assess the score
I count up the shoes
My dad is one pair ahead
It obviously proves
We’re BOTH sick in the head
©2012 Author DAVID BARBER
Another original DEBUT ~ AT THE BIJOU
for ~ "The Shadows of Our NOIR"
Absolutely*Kate sails authors in all their cross currents |
David, David, David ~
You are a prince 'mongst mere mortals -- You've let ME pub this FIRST! What a gem - and what a beginning to beguine a whole slew of variant scenes . . . You've a separate book in the making when each stanza-laden delight strings together what you said your head did not know from where words hailed . . . Hmm, one wonders what could take over a madman so wise?
This is bountifully brill, but you felt that flow from the first to all the cross currents of stream-throughs ~ didn't you? Each stanza evokes both picture and mood and tucks in phrases all just right, just right, just right. Should I effuse any more you'll either get your noggin stuck in doorways or wonder what's in my coffee.
Well, my head is huge now! You're way too kind! Thank you for enjoying my work, Kate. Poetry isn't normally my thing. Thanks again for the spotlight. It's great to be back submitting work.
DAVID BARBER MAN WITH PEN needing no license
He knows how to use it. |
David Barber was born and bred in Manchester, England, but after 39 years of city life decided to up sticks and move to Crieff in Scotland with his wife, Lisa, and their two daughters, Imogen and Melissa.
Having written for a few years when he was younger, fatherhood took hold and, being self employed, earning money suddenly became more important so mindless scribbling had to take a back seat.
It was after a visit back down to Manchester that his childhood friend and fellow writer, Col Bury, invited him to write something for a magazine he was assistant editor of – the award winning magazine Thrillers, Killers ‘n’ Chillers. He rattled off a six sentence story called 'Sorry Love' and sent it off. That piece then went off to win a 2nd place Bullet Award.
Since that day his writing has flowed from fingers to keyboard and onto magazines, such as A Twist of Noir, Near To The Knuckle, The New Flesh and Blink Ink. He has also had the honour of having stories published in print and in e-book anthologies, True Brit Grit, Action: Pulse Pounding Tales, Off The Record and The Lost Children: A Charity Anthology.
He has just ended an 18 month stint as editor of The Flash Fiction Offensive. During that time his eye for detail has vastly improved and the editing side of the industry has helped his own writing enormously.
He is currently working on a few projects including a novel and an e-book short story collection.
BUT ~ Be these murmurings
"David moved to Scotland only because he's always want to root for the Dunfermline Athletic Football Club and secondly (maybe more importantly) of his (some say unnatural) attraction (and affection) to the famous Scottish Highland Cow. He's a woolly buggar our David is. "
~ AT THE BIJOU Author AJ Fedora Fella Hayes
(scroll around - see him rough his stuff)
"Dave is a tiler who unwinds by going for a night on the tiles. Dave's beauty therapist wife gives him a makeover every Sunday night. "
~ AT THE BIJOU Author Graham Sensation Smith (scroll around -you'll find him)
"Fact: David Barber once considered being a barber so he could have a business card that said “Barber, Barber” and planned to ply his trade in Sing Sing or else Walla Walla.
"Fiction: As a wee lad, David Barber starred in frightening public information films to warn children away from the dangers of the then popular sport of cat wheedling, but was found to be allergic to moggies and summarily fired.
They might both be untrue... "
~ Author shady lady, Kate Laity, taking on all the spotlights she can unshadow for an AT THE BIJOU debut . . . as summer goes to a month of Julys.
"David Barber used to model himself on Sweeney Todd before he was arrested for stealing pork pies."
~ Good God, it's Author Godwin, Richard Godwin -- yeah, that's him ~ Watch for The Godwin Show of Shows debuting on hot summer nights,
RG: Kate your mischievousness will get you in trouble one day, I am fully prepared for my debut at the bijou, I am having my tux steamed. ~ Richard.
"David Barber's nickname as a spotty teen was 'Barbs' to some, and he had (still has?) an uncanny resemblance to Depeche Mode's lead singer, David Gahan. Also, our good friend is a Manchester United fan, BUT he was a ball boy for their/his bitter rivals (and my beloved blues) Manchester City back in the 80's, and I was on the front row behind the goal (slightly envious) as he scampered around the sacred grass collecting any stray balls (coughs) for my (his?) heroes. Is he really a closet Man. City fan...? ;-)"
~ Author of true grit, cool COL BURY,
likewise making his AT THE BIJOU Debut
... after novel gets to agent!
You're a star. It looks great and has taken me by surprise. I've been a tad busy this past week with my e-book, which is now available on Amazon. Here's the link if you could (by any chance) add to the post." ~ David
Kate (packing yet, packing yet, for 6'am flight to OuterBanks grand seaside all-the-family-in-the-family vacation) -- "GOTCHA COVERED PAL. But -- YOU are the shining star shootin' off all heights!"
Here ya go folks ~
Yep, you can find ~
David Barber's "The Stranger"
Graham Smith's "Isaa's Island Prison"
Kate Laity's "Chickens"
Richard Godwin's "Savage Sun"
Col Bury's "Gallance"
and Absolutely*Kate's "Angel Tough"
all pulsating in ~
MATT HILTON'S tumultuous
natch at Amazon, US and UK.
Thanks David for takin' the heat under the spotlights and kleigs ~
~ Absolutely*Kate,
inviting "Come one, come all!"
Sashay or Saunter in every
The popcorn's better buttery,
and the hits?
Heck, they just keep comin'!
you'll next spy ~
the thrill of PAUL BRAZILL
good God, it's GODWIN
shady lady, KATE LAITY
and more,
so very sure
and shadowy more
"Be there
or be square, Bub.
You too,
Our Katie puts on
killer shows."