By ~ Absolutely*Kate
Staying under the radar has always been very beneficial to me. Life-enhancing, actually. You see, sometimes you see me, and sometimes you don't. But they say I'm a delight, and do I put on a nightly show! My reviews are seen as a single sensation as well as a crowd pleasing ovation. That lauded director Billy Shakespeare lined me up of course, in his chorus of A Midsummer's Night Dream. What a scene, that theme. I'd like to think I shed my measure of bewitching light on the enchantment the great bard did bestow. I pitched my best stuff high. At times I pitched it low.
Do you remember the scene when Lysander speaks out to Hermia about the careful fragility of happiness?
~ "So quick bright things come to confusion". ~
Well, I was there.
And there were kindred others with me. Oh there were. Dashing, we were. Do you recall when the folks sitting in the audience thought Theseus was extolling the ineptitudes of actors?
~ "The best in this kind are but shadows,
and the worst are no worse,
if Imagination amend them." ~
Hah! What quickery, that trickery, for surely such verse could do no worse than herald the heights of our stunning arrival. Heavens to Murgatroyd! Stage Left was quite right.
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"Not for thy fairy kingdom . . . " - WS |
It was easy to get to the top when Bottom brayed a song awakening. Though tis remarked many could not hear my diminutive voice, I was the first choice to duet with Titania's, and rise all the higher in the softness of the promise of the night ~
~ "What angel wakes me from my flowery bed?" ~
Twas roses and larkspur actually, one of the nocturnal return engagements I'm most enamored of. And in my profession, there's many a place I have bedded down. I assure you ~
~ "I know a bank where the wild thyme blows,
Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows,
Quite over-canopied with luscious woodbine,
With sweet musk-roses and with eglantine." ~
I remember sipping nectar, up at the Globe, buzzing those lines into Billy boy's lobe. Tis an ear I hold dear. Enlightened, the scribe did hear and took at once plume to feather weathered parchment. He quilled it still, did that Bill, and brushstroked a word-painting as delectable a place as heaven for Titania's bower. An awakening -- how he had Oberon describe that sleep. Amazing what a teensy buzz of the right inflection glistens on in stage direction, eh?
Yes, yes, round, round get around, I get around. While the actors were milling mead and mulling lines, Puck stage-whispered, "Whither wander you?".
Well gents and madames, Ol'Shakes tucked my Puck reply right into his moving script. I can assure you I told him all. Nay, I'm no nondescript ~
~ "Over hill, over dale,
Through bush, through brier,
Over park, over pale,
Through flood, through fire,
I do wander everywhere." ~
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"I'll follow thee and make a heaven of hell." -WS |
But hark my spark! Hermia and Lysander are not the only lovers true who have troubles their due. Take that couple in the gondola over there. Can you hear the sinewy oarsman? Listen close, mind you.
Is he supposing or proposing?
Is he supposing or proposing?
~ "The course of true love never did run smooth." ~
What a rude remark. Personally, I'd bug out if insect repellent rued my day. I dare say a love true can travel more in a day than mundane lifetimes have to say.
What's that? What bade you wonder how quickly true love can be trifled with, then be destroyed? Ahh, but of course -- you were following the course Bard William made your mind take flight. He's brilliant that way. But I know and now you know he was really musing my way ~
~ "Swift as a shadow, short as any dream;
Brief as the lightning in the collied night." ~
That is I.
The magical lightning bug,
the fanciful firefly.
Good dames and Good fellows,
~ "I am that merry wanderer of the night." ~
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"Thou art translated . . . " - WS |
And good midsummer night,
past your springtime of delight.
past your springtime of delight.
May you sleep, perchance to dream.
( Shhh, don't let Billy boy hear that one. )
~ Absolutely*Kate
©2011 ~ Author Absolutely*Kate
first flickering ~ AT THE BIJOU
Patrick Hoesly, JpegJedi, Polkabike, Oya, Bagabal and Kazarelth
Jovial gents and jaded ladies,
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"When in that moment so it came to pass." -WS |
This piece took actual birth prior to Earth Day as the April Fooling around Tony the Noland did in his extollin' over the finery of a Friday Flash Fiction's dare. As life is simile to stage, and we but actors on it, miscues happen. Such is life's rescheduling swirlcomestance in sickness and in stealth. I bid you watch for the creeping up of a heart-tendering classic from that lauded author/publisher across the pond Australia's way ~ the stunning Ms Jodi Cleghorn. Mine is prelude, to flicker the kliegs, to valiantly dart forth the spots.
(Our prompt from the doling Noland was ~ "insect repellant".)
We'll call you 'round when that curtain heralding Act 2 rises,
but for now, seemed seasonally fitting my fireflies did their flitting ~
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Happy Easter,
Happy Spring,
Happy EarthyDay
of every living thing!
Get Swell Wishes to good egg, Jodi
and heart/spirit of Franny, my Mom
Appreciation and aplomb
to Tony and ideas which bring colleagues
ever to good light
and our swanky staff of renown
Theatre for the lively Mind ~ where Writers' raves are Readers' faves
Very nice - your writing has a lyrical quality that never ceases to amaze and enthrall. Love how this flowed (and brought back the words of "Billy" Shakespeare and images/memories of lit classes). Great read!
Glad to hear your voice and see your pen to paper again!
Well done, Kate! I love the image of whispering into Shakespeare's ear - a great reminder that all of us, from Bard to bozo, all of us are merely players.
Happy Earth Day!
Very nice, Kate! And happy Earth Day and Eastern to you too. :)
So pretty, Kate. I'm a sucker for Billy's sweetness. And oh, how I love love and spring and the earth and all she gives us mere mortals.
Hello! Absolutely*Kate...
This writing is...well great!
I appreciate the Bard and your verses (words) as well...Happy Easter!
and Earth Day to you, Kate...the Absolutely!
Thanks, for sharing!
Hiya Kate, I like the way you blend the rhymes into the prose, I think it lends a certain light-heartedness and humour to a story. Much clever wit at work here, forsooth.
(Unrelated, the other week you asked about my Daughter's guest post, I emailed you yesterday, but I'm not sure if I got your email address correct.)
Oh Katie*Girl, you do outdo yourself! This is a real beauty!
Very pretty and poetic!
Hey Kate, your story inspired me to write an Earth Day #FridayFlash too. Thanks for that. :)
You know, I'm a true nature's child, born to be wild and You Great Guys bring out the sparks in me ... Hark -- I feel a song comin' on.
(I really did whisper into Billy's ear in a former life. He promised to name a character after me)
and Happy Easter*zing
~ Absolutely*Kate, always fascinated by fireflies and the magic of the night
@KEVIN ~ Yes sir, I'm back and it feels mighty good. Real glad you paid attention to your Cliff's Notes in Lit class, and lent me the charm of *enthrall*. I promise to live up to it.
@TONY ~ Well sir, "from Bard to Bozo", you technically gave birth to this whole inspiration ... so, no clownin' around ~ Thanks be you.
@MARI ~ You Earthed-Day too? How fitting with your natural charm. I'll be there to check it out and plant some perennials. Love that you walk in my gardens here.
@ZELDA ~ Perhaps I write because I live for your commentary. It's like a kid getting a good dessert. There's no 'mere' about you, Lady Mortal.
@DEE DEE ~ Holy noir of the enchantment of the night! You jimmied the lock and snuck in again to my great joy. I for one, think Alfred and Billy boy woulda got on famously, don't you?
@STEVE THE GREEN ON EARTH DAY ~ I've always hankered t'wards a man who can give out a good 'forsooth'. Much appreci'kation for your kind words and letting me know that my buggin' you to bring the lovely Louise to a guest spot is taking flight. I'll be there, and smilin' at your lovin' Daddyo pride.
@STORYTREASURE ~ Could I be thanking a more fitting comment'complimenter's nom du plume as yours? Big*grin goes with the WELCOME. Countin' on you to keep showin' up and become one of the snazzy regulars. We'll never give you a dull moment AT THE BIJOU!
@HARRY ~ Oh Har. (My eyes be dancin' like firefly lights ... you know you urge Willy Shakes on folks and I forsoothed)
~ You guys are such a classy bunch. I'll be seeing you in all your old familiar places, that this heart of mine embraces. (I think I feel another song coming on) ... Absolutely*Kate
Absolutely Gorgeous, as always Kate! Fireflies, one of my favorite creatures this great Earth blesses us with. Thank you for the lovely feeling!
"When you do dance, I wish you a wave o' the sea, that you might ever do nothing but that."
KatieMae, your words dance like a wave a sea. Beautiful, powerful, and soothing to the soul.
"Hark my spark" yes, that!
I'm going to start pouring myself a martini before reading your posts, Kate. So much fun!
Great fun, Kate, very stylish! :)
Hiya again Kate, you asked for the whisper when my daughter's story was on my blog, well your request has now taken flight (forsooth), I posted it up a few minutes ago, I hope you enjoy it.
Okay Louise,, strut your stuff.
That was absolutely brilliant. Loved it!
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