~ C A L L I N G ~
~ W R I T E R S ~
to the
F A B * F E B * F I L M * F E S T
"The only thing that you owe the public is a good performance." ~ Bogey

First off, 'I made more lousy pictures than any actor in history. ... I came out here with one suit and everybody said I looked like a bum. Twenty years later Marlin Brando came out with only a sweatshirt and the town drooled over him. That shows how much Hollywood has progressed. ... I've been around a long time. Maybe the people like me.' ... Say, some wisecrackers call me a tough guy, but emotions? Hell, I run 'the gamut of emotions from A to B.' ... which actually works for me, because 'the whole world is about three drinks behind.'
But that's showbiz, and so's what character-study Paul Brazill calls this hideaway theatre hangout with the red velvet seats ~ AT THE BIJOU ~ "a very tasty joint".
Calling youse writers
to submit your cinematic
themes or dreams to:
The opening acts?
Schweetheart, take it from me,
they're gonna be killers.
SUBMIT Your Cinematic Great to:
Absolutely*Kate & Harry B DeMille Sanderford
Once upon a read . . . AT THE BIJOU came to pretty, not gritty Web*City. The streets were paved with the stuff that dreams were chock full of, and chockfull suffered no fool with a pour-out of tantalizing, sensationalizing, and when more than just a little knee was shown ~ some say, down right nubile scandalizing.
Vaudeville did more than take the next stage outta town (ba dum dum) . . . it was harbinger to herald what good showcasing was all about ~ tender tale'ing talents and a moxie mix of characters. Some shifty, some meritorious. Now the Authors 'splaining the nature, plot summary and POV of such characters? Well hell, they're star*studded glorious. That's why they're here, those that believe in believers and bring along a mighty good write on Double*Feature Tuesdays and Thursdays, and Weekend Matinees to light up the "Jeepers" of your peeopers.
Such is the history vs mystery of a bijou ~ the name itself is French for "gem, jewel, something precious" ... and glimmer*sparkle it certainly does ~ from a popular entertainment venue of merry moments to touring companies of fellow writers and auditions to behold this side of bold. Serious provo'katives lend ponder to what really matters and we realize Life itself is too sweet for any sour notes or clatters. Casey will dance with the strawberry blond, and the band ... plays ... on. Ditty, hum, (never hum-drum), lyric, lilt, sung to the hilt, (and up the kazoo), ode, opus, and in a Mayberry state of kind mind, even Opie too. Generous natures and spirited thoughts, what concepts brought and hearts begot. Drama divine and aw shoot - there go the crime scenes, who-dun-its and fantasies so fast that fiction flashes . . . festivities, film and even car crashes. Tender, touching and poignant too, with laughter ever after ~ the only way for You.
Such is the history vs mystery of a bijou ~ the name itself is French for "gem, jewel, something precious" ... and glimmer*sparkle it certainly does ~ from a popular entertainment venue of merry moments to touring companies of fellow writers and auditions to behold this side of bold. Serious provo'katives lend ponder to what really matters and we realize Life itself is too sweet for any sour notes or clatters. Casey will dance with the strawberry blond, and the band ... plays ... on. Ditty, hum, (never hum-drum), lyric, lilt, sung to the hilt, (and up the kazoo), ode, opus, and in a Mayberry state of kind mind, even Opie too. Generous natures and spirited thoughts, what concepts brought and hearts begot. Drama divine and aw shoot - there go the crime scenes, who-dun-its and fantasies so fast that fiction flashes . . . festivities, film and even car crashes. Tender, touching and poignant too, with laughter ever after ~ the only way for You.
You'll find it all AT THE BIJOU
Writers' Raves for Readers' Faves
~ Humphrey DeForest Bogart,
collaborating with
pizazz notes found on
the promotional desk of
~ Absolutely*Kate
of Trails to Authors continues next January Tuesday
(They're everywhere, these scribes of note;
kindly take note!)
~ Absolutely*Kate
and our fine staff of renown
You are the promo queen.
My thanks, dear wonder of the webworld, and hearty congrats for creating a new home to call your own for words and thoughts and things which go *zing* in the night (or day).
We do wish you'll share some thoughts or a tale on Jeanette & The Movies ... so we can send folks over to check you out the more. You thinkin' on it?
Thanks splendid Lady J.
~ Absolutely*Kate and staff of renown
"Thanks!" gritty great Colin James and the ever esoteric Jack Varnell for a knockout movie story and a film gem to turn all spots and kliegs on.
And ... is all that rumbling around the pool table off the lobby (we have everything for your enjoyment AT THE BIJOU - makes sense there'd be an 8'ball hangout) -- the sounds of == YES! A RAT PACK REVUE SHALL DEBUT!
Look! Over there -- it's crime maven Julie Lewthwaite lurking herself into Idea-ville. Oh, the FAB*FEB*FILM*FEST is gonna be hot this winter!
~ Absolutely*Kate
and our fine staff of renown
I agree with Jeanette - promo queen extraordinaire! This was really rippin' kid!
Just letting you know in a day or two there will be an award for you on my blog.
Keep those words zingin'
Denise :)
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