Presented by Absolutely*Kate
because knowing our Authors
makes Reading/Writing great
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TRAIL AUTHORS. Breadcrumbs provided ~ pic ala Dano |
You know the tale, Hansel and Gretel wishing to know their way . . . drop along BreadCrumbs to be aware of the trail. Well, tis a brave New*Year of possibilities turning probabilites when scribings becoming novels for oh so many Authors we already know and grow along with. Trail them, at will.
*AT THE BIJOU* kicks off 2011 with BreadCrumbs to finding your own ways for picking up the trails of Authors you know a little and those who resonate swell. "Do Enjoy!"
After all, it's all about the Journey.
and our fine staff of renown
~ Thanks Kevin, you're always perceptive
It's been a chaotic year here at the beach - my first thought was that I had very few stories that saw the light of day or were worth mentioning over the past twelve months as I've been consumed on pushing two novels towards birth/publication as well as writing a couple of spec TV scripts. But I guess more stories saw print than I realized (some of which I was damn proud of). So, in no particular order:
Well sure, leave Kevin a 'peace' of your mind
~ Thanks Amy, you just keep on amusing!
I wish you all a bright, shiny, joy-filled, word-filled, and precious New Year. Amy (Cita at 6S)
Well sure, leave Amy a 'peace' of your mind
~ Paul, when would reading You not be?
Well sure, leave Paul a 'peace' of your mind
~ Susan, I sense the Joy of you guys jostlin' together
On the Flash Friday tab, these are my favorite entries since I began working with the #Fridayflash group when we were still housed on Twitter and Editor Unleashed (may it RIP). Thanks for Maria Schneider for bringing the early group together and to Jon Strother to developing it into what it is today. If Jon is not on this distribution and anyone has his email addy, please pass along my applause to him.
Happy New Year and let's all get published in 2011!
Well sure, leave rockin' Susan a 'peace' of your mind
~ Thanks Linda, you're kindness personified,Most of all I've pushed myself to write a short flash of under 250 words EVERY WEEK in response to a chosen theme at 52/250 Flash a Year Challenge. A nice respite from editing the (damn) novels.
Live hard, write harder, love hardest. Thanks to all of you for providing words and friendship this past year. Peace, Linda
A few breadcrumbs from me: A story that pays homage to the love between my mother and father ~
Well sure, leave Linda a 'peace' of your mind
Well sure, leave Peggy a 'peace' of your mind
Prepping for the release of a new novel (co-written with JB Kohl) called Borrowed Trouble. It is the sequel to our first novel together, One Too Many Blows To The Head. Should be out by Feb 1st if no other roadblocks block our path, as they tend to do.
The last few are HERE for the Xmas noir challenge at Do Some Damage (joined recently by our Kate, check us both out if you please along with Paul Brazill and Sean Patrick Reardon and truly the best set of entries in a challenge I have been a part of.)
~ Shall billow sails on publishing horizons in '11, good Eric,
Well sure, leave Eric a 'peace' of your mind
~ Thanks Sandra, your hopes are coming true, Loved your Breadcrumbs idea as it sent me searching through last years' bits and pieces and I have come up with the following:
This is an excerpt from the NaNoWriMo novel, inspired by a T10 prompt and a development from my response to the SexyTouch challenge you posted way back in April:
Well sure, leave Sandra a 'peace' of your mind
~ Is it any wonder that the world has a love affair with sweet Sugar?
Dance to it. And let the balalaikas ring.
Oh, Eric Beetner up there gave you the low-down on the high-Crime Noir challenge over at the hot shadows of DO SOME DAMAGE, leading Crime Fiction site of those who know how to wear a fedora and carry a concealed weapon and then live to tell about it. You can check out a BreadCrumb of Detective Nelle Callahan at the ritzy Fortunato Supper Club ~
We've run out of room but not AUTHORS.
. . . JOHN WISWELL . . .
. . . NICK QUANTRILL . . .
. . . MIKE WHITNEY . . .
. . . ERIC KRAUSE . . .
. . . PAMILA PAYNE . . .
. . . always SAL BUTTACI . . .
. . . Kevin, Amy, Paul, Susan, Linda . . .
. . . Peggy, Eric, Sandra . . .
. . . Sugar, Zelda, Harry . . .
. . . & Absolutely*Kate . . .
for my old buddy Bob Frost would tell you those less traveled . . . make all the difference
The response was overwhelming, when I asked for 3 to 5 links of worthy writings that AT THE BIJOU Authors were damn proud of . . . Here then, a sprinkling of some here and some there and a whole handful strewn next Tuesday . . .
Kevin Michaels of Harbinger*33
Happy New Year Kate-
I hope 2011 brings you and your family much happiness and success (especially since the loss of your Dad in 2010 - who I am certain is sitting on that back porch next to the pearly gates and smiling at you).
~ Thanks Kevin, you're always perceptive
... Absolutely*Kate
It's been a chaotic year here at the beach - my first thought was that I had very few stories that saw the light of day or were worth mentioning over the past twelve months as I've been consumed on pushing two novels towards birth/publication as well as writing a couple of spec TV scripts. But I guess more stories saw print than I realized (some of which I was damn proud of). So, in no particular order:
CRAWLING TO GRACE @ Foundling Review
. . . Come Trail more KEVIN on January Tuesdays . . .
Well sure, leave Kevin a 'peace' of your mind
in the Comments of your theatre row, below
Amy Hale Auker
What a great lady our Kate is. Absolutely Our Kate. She is A.O.K!!!! (so sometimes I simply amuse myself)
~ Thanks Amy, you just keep on amusing!
... Absolutely*Kate
But on that note, it is a brave new world and in that world it is common to promote SELF if we are to eat yummy food and live so that we can continue to choose JOY and BEAUTY. So, please drop by and see me at There are WONDERFUL things in store for 2011. Those of you who are already published authors know that book contracts are, well, interesting, to say the least. If I sell Rightful Place off of my WEBSITE. I get to buy more bread and taters and whiskey than if my dears order from elsewhere. Sigh. 'Tis true. So far, I have almost 70 copies on the reserve list from which I will send out invoices and mail out SIGNED copies in April (no shipping if you put your name on the list before April 1.) As far as price, I am the daughter of a horse trader, so no worries on that invoice front. Oh, and did I say that I turn 41 in April? Just saying.
I wish you all a bright, shiny, joy-filled, word-filled, and precious New Year. Amy (Cita at 6S)
. . . Come Trail more AMY on January Tuesdays . . .
Well sure, leave Amy a 'peace' of your mind
in the Comments of your theatre row, below
Paul Brazill of Harbinger*33
Happy New year!
Any good to you?
Any good to you?
~ Paul, when would reading You not be?
... Absolutely*Kate
@ Dark Valentine Magazine
. . . Come Trail more PAUL on January Tuesdays . . .
Well sure, leave Paul a 'peace' of your mind
in the Comments of your theatre row, below
Susan Cross
Cheers! We all made it through another year.
Happiest of 2011 to Ms. Kate, who should Absolutely and Positively keep doing what she's doing! What a joy it would be for us to all meet AT THE BIJOU someday!
~ Susan, I sense the Joy of you guys jostlin' together
AT THE BIJOU all the time! ... Absolutely*Kate
I have added a new tab to my blog, my friends, called Leroy Cooper on Sax. For those of you who are Ray Charles fans, and for those of you who have just ever heard of Ray Charles (who hasn't?) I will be posting chapters from Ray's bandleader and baritone sax player, Leroy Cooper's as transcribed by yours truly after the years of "Wednesday Afternoons with Susan" (sorry Mitch Albom) that we spent together working on his memoir before he passed. Included with be interviews with Raelets (yup, that's the correct spelling, contrary to popular belief and everything you'll see on a Google search), as well as my conversations with other musicians that played with Ray at one time or another.
On the Flash Friday tab, these are my favorite entries since I began working with the #Fridayflash group when we were still housed on Twitter and Editor Unleashed (may it RIP). Thanks for Maria Schneider for bringing the early group together and to Jon Strother to developing it into what it is today. If Jon is not on this distribution and anyone has his email addy, please pass along my applause to him.
~ Jon? You listenin' in, good sir?
... Absolutely*Kate, glad to be #FridayFlashing Fiction too
And here's to you all, as I raise my glass -- er, snifter -- and take a sip of champa-- er, cognac -- to welcome the new year and celebrate what would have been my grandmother's 111th birthday! She was born 1/1/1900 at one minute after midnight. First baby of the century in the state of NJ! Happy birthday, Gram!
Happy New Year and let's all get published in 2011!
Susan Cross
THE SNEEZE @ FridayFlash Fiction
. . . Come Trail more SUSAN on January Tuesdays . . .
Well sure, leave rockin' Susan a 'peace' of your mind
in the Comments of your theatre row, below
Linda Simoni-Wastila of Harbinger*33
Happy New Year A*K and all!
Kate, thank you so much for your care and kindness. We've shared more than just words this year. Here's to 2011, may sadness take a vacation for at least this year, and bless us with health, wealth, and peace.
~ Thanks Linda, you're kindness personified,
and goodness deserving ... Absolutely*Kate
Life is good.
Live hard, write harder, love hardest. Thanks to all of you for providing words and friendship this past year. Peace, Linda
A few breadcrumbs from me: A story that pays homage to the love between my mother and father ~
@ The Shine Journal
. . . Come Trail more LINDA on January Tuesdays . . .
Well sure, leave Linda a 'peace' of your mind
in the Comments of your theatre row, below
Peggy McFarland
I'm with Linda on the let sadness take a vacation in 2011. I didn't quite reach my writing goal in 2010, but there's always this year to try again and succeed!
Until November, I was pretty faithful to almost a weekly story at my blog, Eldritch Way, thanks to #fridayflash at Twitter and writing prompts at 3WW. Here are the posts I liked the best. "Charity Case" first appeared at my blog then got published at Long Story Short. In 2011, I have 3 stories coming out in January and February at three venues, but I'll toot that horn when they are available.
Thanks Kate, for the opportunity to spread the word,
and Happy New Year to all!
~ You are most welcome Peg, especially as
you have so much talent for tantalizing! ... Absolutely*Kate
CHARITY CASE @ Long Story Short
. . . Come Trail more PEGGY on January Tuesdays . . .
Well sure, leave Peggy a 'peace' of your mind
in the Comments of your theatre row, below
Prepping for the release of a new novel (co-written with JB Kohl) called Borrowed Trouble. It is the sequel to our first novel together, One Too Many Blows To The Head. Should be out by Feb 1st if no other roadblocks block our path, as they tend to do.
As far as shorts that are out in the world, I have been at work on novels so much in 2010 that I haven't had much time to devote to shorts but when a challenge is thrown down I can't help but use the motivation to get my fingers to typing.
The last few are HERE for the Xmas noir challenge at Do Some Damage (joined recently by our Kate, check us both out if you please along with Paul Brazill and Sean Patrick Reardon and truly the best set of entries in a challenge I have been a part of.)
The explanation is in the intro to this challenge piece.
Have a great one everybody and here's to hoping we see Harbinger set sail in '11. ~ Eric Beetner
~ Shall billow sails on publishing horizons in '11, good Eric,
and manifest promotional destinies along the journey ... Absolutely*Kate
@ Do Some Damage
@ Do Some Damage
. . . Come Trail more ERIC on January Tuesdays . . .
Well sure, leave Eric a 'peace' of your mind
in the Comments of your theatre row, below
~ Thanks Sandra, your hopes are coming true,
I'm grooving to BreadCrumbs from all of you... Absolutely*Kate
This is an excerpt from the NaNoWriMo novel, inspired by a T10 prompt and a development from my response to the SexyTouch challenge you posted way back in April:
PILLOW TALK @ Thinking Ten
. . . Come Trail more SANDRA on January Tuesdays . . .
Well sure, leave Sandra a 'peace' of your mind
in the Comments of your theatre row, below
Sugar Wendy Staley, Zelda Martin and Harry B. Sanderford of Harbinger*33
Happy New Year, Dear Katers!! Love you and your sparkling ideas for a new year past!! If you have room, I'd like to showcase POP (with Zelda and Harry), There are more on my posterous, and I've linked them to the site.
My 2011 Newborn Year wish for you is that LOVE will surround you ... LOVE from your family, your friends, and all the deepest soulful kind your relationship with Prof can hold. Your SPIRIT shines through in so many ways, dearest, and I'm sure you've no idea of the lives you've touched. May all the faerie dust be yours in this new year of possiblities and opportunites.
I am forever grateful for your friendship and one day the *CLINK* will be real. ~ Wendy
~ Is it any wonder that the world has a love affair with sweet Sugar?
Thanks Lady, until indeed we *CLINK* ... Absolutely*Kate
. . . Come Trail more SUGAR,
more ZELDA, and of course
more HARRY on January Tuesdays . . .
Well sure, leave this Tremendous Trio
a 'peace' of your mind in the
Comments of your theatre row, below
Intro to full sensation of SNAP, CRACKLE, POP
Individual stories' links up above ~ it's a cereal-thriller . . .
Absolutely*Kate of Harbinger*33
Happiest New Year of making it happen ~ the best stuff that's inside you ~ to write and create and spark and enchant . . .
You know you got it in you.
Dance to it. And let the balalaikas ring.
(Yeah, I just wanted to say 'balalaikas' - it's a gypsy-soul thing)
Oh, Eric Beetner up there gave you the low-down on the high-Crime Noir challenge over at the hot shadows of DO SOME DAMAGE, leading Crime Fiction site of those who know how to wear a fedora and carry a concealed weapon and then live to tell about it. You can check out a BreadCrumb of Detective Nelle Callahan at the ritzy Fortunato Supper Club ~
. . . Come Trail more ABSOLUTELY*Kate on January Tuesdays . . .
Well sure, leave Absolutely*Kate a 'peace' of your mind
in the Comments of your theatre row, below
We've run out of room but not AUTHORS.
. . . Come Trail next January Tuesday . . .
. . . JOHN WISWELL . . .
. . . NICK QUANTRILL . . .
. . . MIKE WHITNEY . . .
. . . ERIC KRAUSE . . .
. . . PAMILA PAYNE . . .
. . . always SAL BUTTACI . . .
. . . ROBERT CLAY . . .
. . . Kevin, Amy, Paul, Susan, Linda . . .
. . . Peggy, Eric, Sandra . . .
. . . Sugar, Zelda, Harry . . .
. . . & Absolutely*Kate . . .
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TRAILS LEAD ON . . . pic ala crawfishhead |
May Author Trails delight you well,
for my old buddy Bob Frost would tell you those less traveled . . . make all the difference
I was hungry too. Hope the kids can find their way back home. *burp*
What a great way to kick off the new year, Kate! What I love about you is you always find room in your heart for all of us. Believe me, that does not go unnoticed. The best of life to you!
Happy New Year Kate! And thanks for the lovely trails of crumbs, such nice reading in the evening when my two kiddos are asleep. And love the stamp of Hansel and Gretel. I agree with Sal -- you have an open heart! Peace...
Ah Sal and Linda ~
It's easy to admire TALENT and GOODNESS to the hilt. You author'folks are a world I'm fortunate to fox trot, waltz and tango in.
Watch out though for Ms Carrie. I hear her bite's worse than her munch.
Happiest Publishing Year,
~ Absolutely*Kate
Quite a list of authors and stories you've assembled here, Kate. Best of luck to you and all of them in 2011. Looking forward to the publication of Harbinger*33.
Jon ~
An honour to have a shepherd of your substantial flock-standing in our red velvet rows. Great Authors, as you well know, soar best with all the spotlights and kleigs possible showing off their style, range, flow and growth. Fortunate we are to herald worthy writes.
An inscripted copy of Harbinger*33 to the founding father of what Fridays were made for in the fine finesse of fiction flashing will give me/us much pleasure.
Now ~ will YOU honour us with one of your talented writes AT THE BIJOU during our Fab*Feb*Film*Fest? Crowd anticipation precedes you.
~ Absolutely*Kate
A*K- I cannot believe I did not have your blog on my watch list. I thought I added it a while back. I have righted that wrong and now feel completed. Way cool of you to do this, and what's the skinny on the Fab*Feb*Film*Fest?
Kate*, leave it to you to continually out do yourself. This is a grand way to start the year. We have so many talented people in our writing community. Thanks once again.
Well I'm late, but it's never too late to say thank you so much for being the generous soul you are Kate.
Lots of #fridayflash opened to read right now but I've bookmarked the breadcrumbs to pick up on my way back to reality - ha, that could be a LONG trip! :)
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