Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Possession ~ by Jodi MacArthur of Harbinger*33

ONCE UPON A FROG'FLINGING ... I came across the sheer open fantasy world of the jaunty (but taunty, haunty and daunty - so watch out!) Ms Jodi MacArthur. My life, as I know it and even imagine it, has never been quite the same. You just can't make up stuff like Jodi, and you adventure towards that gleam by reading her, for that's where her spirit lurks, in how she makes words beg for more.

Splendiferous Ladies
and Brave-hearted Fellas
*** NOW PLAYING ****
*** AT THE BIJOU ***

~ by the grace of grim, rising novelist Jodi MacArthur

I slip his hands into the double-knotted rope and yank them hard against the back of the chair. I step back, and observe his wide-eyed expression as I roll the duct tape back and forth between my hands. It isn't the money or the jewelry that I am trying to thieve. He sighs as I let the roll of tape drop to the floor and snatch the silk scarf from my hair. I walk over to his stereo, push play, and let the seductive music use me, guide me. I know it's wrong, but it's the only way I know, it is his heart I want.

(c) Jodi MacArthur; Previously published on six sentences here, with entertaining comments by Absolutely*Kate mysteriously abducted in the Halloween conspiracy plot of '09 ... or Watergate

Jodi can scare you, Jodi can enchant you ~ that says it all, for to say more would give away twists and turns and turns and twists and even twists and shouts that MacArthur tales are all about. I saw her once on a stage with a single shoulder black jet sequin gown and she ruled the place with one quirk of a brow. And then she giggled . . . and the whole room cracked up. She’s that contagious ~ but please folks, keep the lights on when you read the gal Stephen King is passing the crown to.

Jodi is The Very First Sailor in sailing concept to reality on deck with me in shipping to shore-goodness of the Harbinger*33, (without her indomitable spunky spirit, it may have found choppy seas). She brings lemons aboard and there is no scurvy. She brings wisdom and there are no fools. My appreci’kation is wider than the sea, something fathomed only within, akin to what Harbinger*33 creates itself to be. Jodi and I have innately felt, the *magic* this special reader-ship is unto itself. The world shall come to view that soon.

The imagination of Jodi MacArthur is best served raw on an open flame. Don’t turn at the fork in the road ~ keep on keeping on, to bring your fork in full hunger to Fiction Writer ~ Jodi MacArthur. The author, MacArthur, is prolifically published online, plus print and is working on her first novel, Devil’s Eye, as well as a riveting adventure in the collaborative book Harbinger*33.

Top Mast Salutes to you, Jodi . . . for your talents rise and rip like the tides. Hmmm, this harbingers well. Honoured we are for your founding distinction aboard Harbinger*33, sailing to its publishing journey of manifesting destinies.

~ True-blue seas of thanks; Fair Winds, Favourable Seas

~ Absolutely*Kate & readers to be mystified and *magicated*


Gerry Hatrić said...

How very splendid this little tale is. I loved the silky twist. He's bound to give you his heart. :)

Paul D Brazill said...

Yep, MV is correct. Splendid it is.Very splendid indeed.

Anonymous said...

Jodi, this is so very vivid. I must try this.
Great to be paired with you at the Bijou.

Jodi MacArthur said...

Thank you, guys!

Wow, I don't think I've ever had such a "taunty, haunty and daunty" intro and after duction as this! Thank you splendiferously, K*te. Love ya.

Kate Pilarcik ~ absolutely said...

Love ya too jaunty Jodi and all those other words that danced in all by themselves. When one is magi'kating about your kind of writing, words do that ~ they just dance.

As to POSSESSION, how handy to let us know the setting with 'his' stereo and of course a man's place without duct tape is not a man's place at all. Surely the seductives will wend its silky way into what MV & PB are so male-gumptioned about up there. Too bad we don't have a YouTube-vid of Jeanette doing the scarfy dance. Oh - I particularly thought your use of the word "thieve" was spot on, as those aforementioned blokes would say. Very connotative there, Ms MacA.

Splendiferously a pleasure to intro and duction you to more of the worlds your readers reach. ~ Absolutely*Kate and the very fine staff of THE BIJOU

Crybbe666 said...

Rolling the duct tape between her hands was an inspired vision...almost contemplating, but never veering from her intention. Fantastic, Ms. King-Heiress!!!

Unknown said...

What a great piece... deft, precise and so damn well done. I love the fact that it was over before I knew it). lean, mean, short and sweet.

Jodi MacArthur said...

I'm *absolutely* delighted you caught on to all the subtleness. It's one of the reasons I adore you!

Thank you for taking the time to read Paul, Anthony,Robert, Jeanette (I'm honoured to be paired with a goddess) and Paul B. So glad you enjoyed.

MCrittenden said...

A treat as always, Jodi.

Angel Zapata said...

Wow. This is hot.

Harry said...

"I took my baby to the 10 step platform
I tied a reef knot on twice with the blindfold
I whisper 20 steps and point direction"

It's a beauty JoJo, and just one more good use for duct tape!

Anonymous said...

How your spaces are made to smolder, simmer, and consume Jodi. Reminds me why I find your writings to be alluring at all levels; for my mind turns, sits, and rejoices when I read your contemplative musings and infusing words.

John Wiswell said...

Short and sweet! Well, not sweet. It tastes a little more like a busted lip.

You always were one of my favorite 6S storytellers.

Linda said...

You scare me in so many delicious ways. Great stuff. Peace, Linda

pegjet said...

Amazing and taut. Very tight writing. Loved the imagery and, I think I got turned on! Lol